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Why Do People Drink?

why do alcoholics drink

In social situations, they may be unable to stop drinking when others do and find that they can’t handle as much as they previously could without becoming drunk. Blackout episodes, where the individual does not remember what they’ve said or done while drinking, may occur. The mental and physical health of alcoholics are rapidly deteriorating at this stage, and unless they seek alcohol rehab, they may drink themselves to death. The support of friends and family is important in the journey to recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD). Drinking alcohol is so common that people may not question how even one beer, cocktail, or glass of wine could impact their health. Alcohol is a part of cultural traditions all around the world…and it’s also a drug that chemically alters the body.

When I think back to my many years of drinking, it sometimes feels like I can barely recognize myself. I have trouble understanding how I accepted a life of daily drinking for so long. The mindset that I had as a drinker was simply so different than the mindset that I’m in now. When you quit alcohol cold turkey, you quit drinking completely and suddenly.

I Tried to Quit Drinking for 7 Years!

With denial, a person with alcohol use disorder has impaired insight into their condition. Continuously drinking prevents someone with alcoholism from experiencing these unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, it may be dangerous for someone to abruptly stop drinking, as withdrawal can lead to seizures and a potentially fatal condition called delirium tremens. These can indicate a life threatening condition called delirium tremens. It’s important to seek urgent medical care if you experience any of these symptoms.

Yet, like all challenges, it presents opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth. If you really want to help your loved one free themselves from alcohol, then you should look into a holistic alcohol rehabilitation together. Find a clinic that is a leader in a Luxury Alcohol treatment cure. Having a plan can help you stay on track and it can keep you safe. One of the keys to a successful taper is taking gradual steps that will cause as few side effects as possible.

A few empirically validated practices can help identify strong treatment programs. Treatment centers should ideally have rigorous and reliable screening for substance use disorders and related conditions. They should have an integrated treatment approach that addresses other mental and physical health conditions. They should emphasize linking different phases of care, such as connecting patients to mental health professionals, housing, and peer support groups when transitioning out of the acute phase of care.

Alcohol use: Weighing risks and benefits

For example, growing up in a family that condones alcohol abuse can cause a person to develop positive views of alcohol and increase their risk of alcohol addiction. Being raised in a home with parents or siblings who struggle with alcohol addiction can also normalize alcohol abuse and lead to alcoholism. Finally, having parents who are accepting of alcohol consumption or are unlikely to become upset if their child consumes alcohol increases the risk of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. The condition, which is also a chronic disease, is characterized by an inability to manage drinking habits.

  • Before it becomes problematic, why do people turn to alcohol in the first place?
  • While everyone may experience this progression differently, there are four common stages people go through when becoming a functional alcoholic.
  • Unhealthy alcohol use includes any alcohol use that puts your health or safety at risk or causes other alcohol-related problems.
  • When alcohol is not present, individuals may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as restlessness, tremors, headache, nausea, vomiting and insomnia.
  • Step two offers a sense of hope by ending the isolation of addiction and charting a path to recovery.

That is why alcohol detox and alcohol withdrawal treatment is administered by medical professionals. They have found that the drinking experience alleviates deep-seated anxieties they have about themselves and their lives. In other words, alcohol provides more than temporary camaraderie for such drinkers. And people find such crucial psychological benefits are hard to relinquish.

Most people experience the most severe symptoms from about 36–72 hours after stopping drinking. End-stage alcoholics are also at a high risk of dying from accidents, trauma and suicide. Cirrhosis can cause a host of other health problems, including high blood pressure, which can lead to the development of enlarged veins in the esophagus called esophageal varices. These are similar to the varicose veins that some people develop in their legs. But esophageal varices are prone to rupture, and when they do, the alcoholic can bleed to death. At this stage, the alcoholic may appear to be functioning normally and is unlikely to have performance problems at work, school or in other settings.

Alcohol Changes the Brain

They can research alcoholism to understand the underpinnings of the disorder, the signs of an overdose, and other important information. They can discuss co-occurring mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. They can seek help from peer support groups and mental health professionals as well. Our treatment facilities are staffed by credentialed addiction professionals who recognize addiction as a mental illness and believe that anyone can recover with quality, evidence-based treatment.

why do alcoholics drink

The brain may produce an increased amount of pleasure receptors due to incidents during the person’s early life, for example. Those with serious problems in their brain chemistry may result in the brain demanding more enjoyable feelings (supplied by the alcohol) and the suppression of negative feelings (again provided by alcohol). Together, the genetic inclination and the brain chemistry provide the physical connection which influences whether someone will become an alcoholic or not. Most alcoholics drink to satisfy cravings and avoid alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Once the brain becomes accustomed to the presence of alcohol, the mind believes it needs alcohol to feel pleasure, prompting a compulsive urge, or craving, to drink. When the craving isn’t satisfied, the body experiences withdrawal symptoms.

Why Should We Be Concerned About AUD and Alcohol Addiction?

In fact, they may mistakenly believe that drinking actually helps them to function better. Keep in mind that someone with alcohol dependence usually goes through a few stages before they are ready to make a change. Until they begin to contemplate quitting, any actions you take to “help” them quit will often be met with resistance.

In the beginning stages of alcoholism, drinking escalates and the individual develops an increased tolerance for alcohol. Those biological changes pave the way for the second stage, which is marked by a physical dependence on the drug. Drinking at this point isn’t about feeling good — it’s about not feeling bad and avoiding the uncomfortable sensations that accompany acute withdrawal. If the drinking world is conceptualized as a spectrum, normal social drinking is one on end (a few drinks per month, almost always in a social context) and alcohol use disorder is on the other end.

Researchers found that participants who had a few drinks were better and faster at creative problem solving than their sober counterparts. The reason may be that alcohol tamps down working memory and therefore sparks people to think outside the box. Alcohol use disorder can include periods of being drunk (alcohol intoxication) and symptoms of withdrawal. Let’s consider several factors that are likely to lead to an increased motivation to consume alcohol. However, certain food groups also have benefits when it comes to helping with the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms and detoxification. For this reason, intervention and aftercare are important for those struggling to recover from alcohol addiction.

When to avoid alcohol

The Statements on this website have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. If you are seeking western medicine, disease model or disease management please consult a qualified healthcare provider that prescribes drugs. If you are eco sober house price living with an alcohol addiction, there is help available. The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper provides comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment, including inpatient and outpatient rehab, in the South Jersey and Philadelphia area.

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